As they say, for a Master- A physical body, is only an instrument. His birth, and all the people He touches at different times in their journey are blessed by His sheer presence.
BABA (Swami Purnanand Bharti) was born to a family of farmers on April 5th, 1947 in a small village named Nitter in Guna district in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. On the day of his birth in 1947.

Swarg Ashram is just like its name Swarg (Paradise). Situated on the Bank of a vast and broad River Narmada, this quiet & Lush green Ashram is one of the most appropriate places to be for a sincere seeker on the path.
One can reach here via Vadodara or Surat or Ahmedabad -which are major Railway Stations & Airports in Gujarat India. The nearest of all is Vadodara- from where its a 2 hours drive by car/ cab.
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